エリア:右京区 観光 タイプ: 寺院・神社・城
おすすめ時期: オールシーズン 観光 ジャンル: 日本の文化・政治・歴史 世界文化遺産禅宗が盛んだった室町幕府の管領、守護大名の細川勝元が宝徳2年(1450年)に創建した禅寺である。
The place used to be a villa of the nobility TOKUDAIJI family. A feudal lord HOSOKAWA Katsumoto bought it in the year 1450 and established the temple. He asked the fifth chief priest of Myoshin-ji temple, Giten Gensho, successfully to be the founder.
The temple was burned down during Onin civil war and HOSOKAWA Masamoto, a son of Katsumoto, rebuilt the temple in 1499. Some believes that the rock garden was laid out then. In the year 1797, buildings including Hojo, Butsuden (Buddha's hall), Kaisando (Founder's hall), were reduced to ashes and the present Hojo, that was built in 1606 as the Hojo of Ryoan-ji's sub-temple Seigen-in, was moved to here and reconstructed. The Butsuden hall was built in 1981.
* 35 minutes by Kyoto City Bus No. 50 from Kyoto Station to the last stop "Ritsumeikan-Daigaku-Mae" and 7 minutes on foot, or
* 5 minutes from Kinkaku-ji Mae to Ryoan-ji Mae on Kyoto City Bus No. 59, or
* 35 minutes from Keihan-Sanjo station to Ryoan-ji Mae on Kyoto City Bus 59, or
* 7 minutes of walk from Ryoan-ji Michi station of Keifuku Railway.
March to November: 8:00-17:00
December to February 8:30-16:30
All except those listed below: 500 yen
Schoolchildren and Junior High School Students (1st to 9th graders): 300 yen
Children under school age: free