ホーム > 大阪・神戸の楽しみ方一覧へ > Perfect 1day Osaka sightseeing
エリア:道頓堀・なんば・心斎橋 街の楽しみ方: Walking
Fugetsu is one of the "big three" ramen shops in Osaka, and it's one of the most widely known OSakan restaurant in Japan, with branches as far away as Saitama and Fukuoka. Fugetsu's flavor does, of course, suffer a bit because it has become a huge chain, but it still offers quality food and the chance to eat at the most famous of all okonomiyaki
Operated by the Keihan Group , the Osaka Suijyo Bus sightseeing boat company operates various cruise around the city of Osaka, a place long known as "the City of Water" due to the historical significance of its canals and rivers. In fact, during the Edo Period, Osaka was the economic center of Japan, and powerful domain lords kept storehouses in OSaka for their rice in Osaka-the canals acted as the city's transport network for such goods, connecting warehoused and ports. Seeing Osaka from the water is a superb way to truely understand the character for the city. Cruises feature refreshments for sale and explanations of landmarks and scenery along the way, so they can be enjoyed by residents and tourists. alike, Furthermore, cruises can be easikt interested into a city-center sightseeing itinerary, as the river routes connect some of the most popular sports in Osaka.
A variety of tours are available: The Aqua-Liner services operate frequently on a daily basis, providing river sightseeing cruise that stop at Osaka castle, Tenmabashi, Yodoyabashi, and OAP(Osaka Amenity Park). Aqua Mini services cat north-south through the narrow Yokohorigawa river canal connecting the Okawa and Dotombori Rivers, stopping at Osaka Castle, Dazaemonbashi, and Minatomachi. The Himawari is a restaurant ship that departs from OAP and goes along the Okawa River. The Santa Maria is a relic of the ship of the same name, and it provides sightseeing Kaiyukan. The company also offers charters cruises and special event cruises.
The interior of the castle has been ruined into an informative and inters ting history museum, where you can learn about the assaults on the caste and se feudal armor and weaponry up close.
Kio is a ramen shop you will come across almost as often as chi-ten-noh, and despite its name, it is a local Osaka chain. Its main attraction is the chasumen, which comes with thick, savory pieces of pork. This, in fact, is the main resin to go to Kio. I also recommend the refreshing reimen(cold ramen), which is even more delicious during Osaka's hot summer.